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#PhotogFeature: On composition and combining elements

#PhotogFeature will appear on Cold Tea Collective every other Friday, putting a focus on Asian photographers from around the world who inspire us. As fellow Asian creatives, we want to showcase our favourite photographers, artists, cinematographers, and those in the creative space. This week’s focus is on composition, or

#PhotogFeature: On composition and combining elements

#PhotogFeature will appear on Cold Tea Collective every other Friday, putting a focus on Asian photographers from around the world who inspire us. As fellow Asian creatives, we want to showcase our favourite photographers, artists, cinematographers, and those in the creative space.

This week’s focus is on composition, or how diverse elements combine to form the final image. Fun challenge: Try to figure out how these photos were taken!

If you know a creative photographer you feel should be featured, reach out to us at

Edward Chang – @edwardchang

Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Chang’s eye for composition has led him to international destinations, capturing complex environments in a way that stands out on a phone screen. 

Photo credit: @edwardchang
Photo credit: @edwardchang
Photo credit: @edwardchang

Victor Cheng – @veeceecheng

Based in Hong Kong, but from Toronto, Canada, Cheng is a professional photographer whose work has been published in major publications such as Forbes, CNN, Huffington Post, and GQ. His work maintains a “unique whimsical style” throughout a variety of subjects and topics.

More on his website:

Photo credit: @veeceecheng
Photo credit: @veeceecheng
Photo credit: @veeceecheng

Ziqian Liu – @ziqianqian

Think smoke and mirrors, but remove the smoke, add an eclectic sense of visual humour, and you’ve got a small sense of Liu’s ability as a photographer.

Each image is thoughtfully composed through a combination of self portrait and still life, typically including a mirror element.

Photo credit: @ziqianqian
Photo credit: @ziqianqian
Photo credit: @ziqianqian
Jasper Lau profile image Jasper Lau
Jasper Lau is a first generation Hong Kong immigrant to Canada and Asian millennial. He is a musician, photographer and occasional writer. He is fluent in dodgeball, as well as a whole lot of puns.