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Not all heroes wear capes: Our Frontline during the pandemic - a photo series

During this pandemic, frontline workers across all different industries have found themselves to be essential parts of our society, keeping us afloat with whatever they do.  From healthcare workers, finance advisors, office clerks, to animal protection officers, a vast number of our community continue to do their job at great

Not all heroes wear capes: Our Frontline during the pandemic - a photo series

During this pandemic, frontline workers across all different industries have found themselves to be essential parts of our society, keeping us afloat with whatever they do. 

From healthcare workers, finance advisors, office clerks, to animal protection officers, a vast number of our community continue to do their job at great personal risk. 

Our hope is to shine a light to those who are keeping the rest of us going, through a photo series highlighting the faces of our Asian-Canadian/Asian-American frontline workers during this pandemic. 

We invited readers to submit a selfie and to describe what they do and what keeps them going. 

These are some of Our Frontline:


What keeps you going?

What keeps me going is knowing that I’m making a difference for my patients in the hospital who have to be there and unfortunately have to be separated from their families and loved ones as no visitors are allowed in the hospitals right now.  Despite the craziness, fear, and uncertainty currently in this world, which might make one want to hide, my patients still need me and that is what motivates me to continue working during this pandemic. I went into healthcare because I love helping people; if there is something I can do to make a positive difference for someone in need, I will do it, especially during this time.

Photo provided by: Amanda


What keeps you going?

The animals keep me going. Even during the pandemic, cruelty towards animals never stopped. The animals still need us to speak for them. 

Photo provided by: Alex J.


What keeps you going?

We are all grieving the life we had before social distancing. What keeps me going is the fight for my patients and I to get back to that life. The life when we can hug our families and friends without feeling guilty. I’ll keep going until we get that life back.

Photo provided by: Karen


What keeps you going?

Ensuring that my clients are financially healthy and that they know what options and benefits they have access to during these dire times.

Photo provided by: Bryon C.


What keeps you going?

Having hope that this pandemic will end soon and that people are coming together during these tough times to help each other.

Photo provided by: April


What keeps you going?

Knowing there are people who have been unemployed during the pandemic gives me the push to keep working. I’m appreciative that I still have a job to support my wife, and to save money for the future.

Photo provided by: Howard C.


What keeps you going?

As a mental health outreach nurse working in the Greater Vancouver community, I strive to keep my clients safe and mentally stable. Whether it’s delivering groceries to our immunocompromised, vulnerable, or elderly clients, to administering medications, and checking in on those that are anxious to provide reassurance that they’re safe and cared for. I’m happy and proud to serve my community during this pandemic and the 7pm cheers at night really help my spirit. At times, it is tough with policies changing daily and new challenges to face. I don’t mind risking my health to provide help to others. I chose nursing for a reason – direct patient care and the ability to give my heart daily to those who need it the most is exactly why this profession is so special to me.

Photo provided by: Erica Wong


What keeps you going?

I am grateful to even have a job when so many others are going through a really tough transition; that mindset keeps me very aware of my employment privilege. I also think that the work I do is important; it must be done by someone. As a young, healthy person without dependants, I have a responsibility to do what I can to help.

Photo provided by: Kimisha Lowe


What keeps you going?

Respiratory Therapists run the ventilators and the oxygen devices that breathe for you in the critical care hospital areas such as the ICU and Emergency Departments. Part of what keeps us going is the overwhelming support from our community that has come in so many shapes and forms from food, headwear, home-made face shields, the 7PM cheers and many more ways that I’m definitely forgetting. Thank you Vancouver for coming together!

Photo provided by: Kenny Leung
Carson Kwok profile image Carson Kwok
Carson is a traveller, photographer, and advertising executive. Born in Hong Kong and raised in Canada, he is on the lookout for stories that connect us, whether through writing or photography.