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Mighty Asian Moviemaking Marathon’s 14th Gala Screening celebrates short films

After selling out the Rio Theatre last year, the Mighty Annual Asian Moviemaking Marathon (MAMM) Gala Screening is back for another evening of short films on Saturday, August 31. The Gala Screening will showcase 10-minute and one-minute short films created over 10 days of scriptwriting, acting, shooting, and editing.  Eight

Mighty Asian Moviemaking Marathon’s 14th Gala Screening celebrates short films

After selling out the Rio Theatre last year, the Mighty Annual Asian Moviemaking Marathon (MAMM) Gala Screening is back for another evening of short films on Saturday, August 31.

The Gala Screening will showcase 10-minute and one-minute short films created over 10 days of scriptwriting, acting, shooting, and editing. 

MAMM13 Behind the Scenes

Eight teams in the 10-minute category and eight teams in the one-minute category will be competing for the crown for this year’s competition. 

“This year, we’ve witnessed record number of pitches, and very creative ideas which made it a very tough race to the top 16 in our 14th year of MAMM,” said Lynne Lee, MAMM Producer. “Audiences are in for a treat at the Gala Screening with the wide range of genres and high quality films across the board!”

One of these films includes My Grandmother’s 80th Birthday Surprise created by the Arrival of the Fittest team, led by Curtis Lum, who was named one of Canada’s rising stars in 2018. This 10-minute film touches upon conflicting family traditions and relationships but ultimately focuses on the meaning of love. 

MAMM is the premier short filmmaking competition by the Vancouver Asian Film Festival.

VAFF is a not-for-profit organization that celebrates diversity in film. The longest-running Canadian film festival of its kind, VAFF was founded by independent filmmaker and writer Barbara K. Lee in 1995. 

This year’s VAFF theme incorporates the theme of NO LIMITASIANS to celebrate the achievements of Asian diaspora artists and empower aspiring artists of Asian heritage to continue pushing boundaries and challenge expectations. 

Fun Fact

At a MAMM Gala Screening three years ago, Cold Tea Collective’s Co-Founder and Executive Producer, Natasha Jung, came up with the idea for Cold Tea Collective. While Natasha hosted and produced a segment for television, she was inspired by the films that starred Asian faces and told stories that she resonated with. 

Tickets to the Gala Screening can be purchased in advance for $15 online by visiting their website and for $18 at the door.

Diane Wong profile image Diane Wong
Diane Hau Yu Wong is an emerging curator and Art Historian based in Montreal and Vancouver. She is interested in contemporary Asian art, diasporic and hybrid identity and how community plays a role w