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Meet Chase Tang, Netflix's latest supervillain in Jupiter's Legacy

For every superhero out there, there’s also a supervillain. And it looks like the Asian community will finally be getting one of our own.  Nova Scotian actor Chase Tang is set to play Baryon, a supervillain on the upcoming Netflix show Jupiter’s Legacy. With this being Tang’s

Meet Chase Tang, Netflix's latest supervillain in Jupiter's Legacy

For every superhero out there, there’s also a supervillain. And it looks like the Asian community will finally be getting one of our own. 

Nova Scotian actor Chase Tang is set to play Baryon, a supervillain on the upcoming Netflix show Jupiter’s Legacy. With this being Tang’s biggest role yet, Cold Tea Collective got in touch with the rising star to hear more about his journey in the entertainment industry.

After leaving the corporate world and pivoting to acting in 2016, Tang is grateful to have joined the industry at a time when Hollywood has become a bit more accepting of Asian faces in entertainment.  “When I got more familiar with acting and got myself settled, Crazy Rich Asians had already come out and it was well-received,” says Tang. “Audiences were starting to see more Asian people in more prominent roles. I personally didn’t face the same hardships that I think other people did. To say I did, I don’t think would be fair.”

It’s always refreshing to see another Asian face in the Hollywood scene — especially in roles that aren’t stereotypically Asian.

“Everyone is pushing towards the same message. In the past, Asians have been typecast for certain type of roles but I think we can really break down that barrier. I think if we continue, it will open the door for not just Asians, but for all actors of different colours.”

Tang was tightlipped about the new Netflix series, but he did speak on his other projects. The Asian Canadian actor was recently a part of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) #WorldIsInOurHands campaign, which builds upon the UN’s Act Now initiative designed to raise awareness and action around climate change.

UNEP teamed up with Toronto photographer Justin Wu and The Krim Group, to set up a pop-up photo studio to capture the concerns of celebrity influencers and encourage climate action.  A few of the notable participating stars include Antonio Banderas, Susan Sarandon, and Joaquin Phoenix.

When handpicking the celebrities, Wu says he was looking for “the best people that represent the world.”

“We tried to go for activists, world leaders, CEOs, and individuals who really do have the power to change,” says Wu. “Following the New York run, I wanted to continue the campaign and make sure we also tackle young and up-and-coming Canadian actors. After viewing [Tang’s] profile, it made sense.”

Now with a Netflix project under his belt, a climate change campaign, and a new agency, Tang is excited to take on more opportunities that come his way. His only regret? Not starting sooner.

“I wasted many years of my life listening to other people tell me what the world is about,” says Tang. “These people that are telling you the way things work, they don’t know any better than you. Don’t let anyone tell you what is possible for you.”

Although working in film and television was always something that intrigued him, his end goal goes beyond acting. Formerly suffering from depression, Tang wants to eventually use his platform to share his story and spread messages of hope and positivity. 

“To move from an actor to an activist or motivational speaker, I feel like my time on this planet would be a huge success,” he says. “When you can approach life with excitement, life becomes almost like a candy store and I want that for everybody. If I could push for that in any way, that would be my ideal end outcome.” 

Tang’s time in the entertainment world has only just begun, and it’s all thanks to his drive and initiative. For those on the fence about pursuing their dreams, consider his words of advice:

“Never let someone else write your story because the pen is 100 per cent in your hands. We go through our life letting somebody else write and tell our story. The pen is in our hands but we never see it until we’re old, and then we regret it. You are the author of your own story.”

For more information on Tang, check out his website and follow him on Instagram

Hillary Nguyen-Don profile image Hillary Nguyen-Don
Hillary Nguyen-Don is a writer, editor, and digital media producer currently based in London. When she's not creating content, she likes binging podcasts, playing the guitar, and attempting to be me