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Hustle and Heart: Seven Questions with Simu Liu

In the second of a three-part series, Cold Tea Collective poses some burning questions from “Kim-Bits” for the leading actor. This interview has been edited and condensed. Full interview audio below.  As the third season of “Kim’s Convenience” — the hit CBC television series featuring a Korean-Canadian family — is set

Hustle and Heart: Seven Questions with Simu Liu

In the second of a three-part series, Cold Tea Collective poses some burning questions from “Kim-Bits” for the leading actor.

This interview has been edited and condensed. Full interview audio below. 

As the third season of “Kim’s Convenience” — the hit CBC television series featuring a Korean-Canadian family — is set to premiere on January 8th, Cold Tea Collective sat down with one of its leading actors, Simu Liu, to chat more about the show, the definition of success, and … the Backstreet Boys.

Much like his character, Jung, the family’s son, Liu is is resourceful and charismatic. In the second of our three part series with Simu Liu, here’s what some fans (endearingly called “Kim-Bits”) and Cold Tea Collective’s Natasha Jung had to ask:

1. If you were to write one episode of Kim’s Convenience, what would the episode be about?

Photo: Kim’s Convenience on Instagram

Simu Liu (SL): It would probably be pretty Jung-centric, I’m not gonna lie. I have a couple of story lines that’s not just me, but the rest of the cast have been bugging our writers for. We really really want to do a holiday-specific episode, like a Christmas, or a Halloween.

Cold Tea Collective: Did you ever watch “The OC”, like how they had a Christmakah?

SL: I love The OC, that’s a solid reference. We’ve always wanted to do a holiday specific episode, and then I’ve always wanted to do one where somebody from Jung’s past comes back, because we kind of barely touch on the specifics of where Jung came from, but we know that he was involved with some shady stuff. We know that he spent some time in juvie, and we know that he’s trying desperately hard to leave that life behind. I think it would be such a funny and interesting situation to put him in if someone from his past were to just reappear, and how he’d navigate that. Does he in some way miss that life, or is he trying super hard just to pretend not to know that person. I’d be excited to watch it.

Cold Tea Collective: Should we give this episode a working title right now, or … ?  

SL: I think Ghosts of Jung’s Past? I don’t know!  

2. How do you define success?

SL: Success is waking up every morning and feeling good about what you’re gonna do. That’s success.

3. When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make it better?

Photo: Simu Liu

SL: I write. I write. I write about whatever it is I’m mad about, I write about my anxiety, my insecurity, and I just try to get it out of there.

4. If you were to have a movie made about you and your life, who would star playing you — other than you?

SL: Hayden Szeto!

Cold Tea Collective: He’s a Vancouverite! (Check out our previous interview with Hayden Szeto here)

SL: I know I know, I dropped that in there!

5. Soundtrack for your life, what would it be: album or song?

Photo: Simu Liu

SL: Backstreet’s Back.

Cold Tea Collective: All right!

SL: I grew up in the age of boy bands -—the golden age of boy bands.   

6. Singing, dancing, sports, and obviously acting: If you could only do two for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Photo: Simu Liu

SL: Well it’s tough you know, I have to pick acting because it’s my bread and butter and my livelihood so I feel I should be good at that. The second one, I would choose between singing and sports. I probably want to be a basketball player more than I want anything in life, so I’d probably pick sports.

7. If you could give one Pearl of Wisdom, what would it be?

SL: Don’t be afraid to step into your light. For so long in my life, I fought the urge to go into this industry. I never gave myself the permission to do it, but once I finally stepped in, I realized how dumb it was that I had been keeping myself from doing this the whole time. So I think if you have something you know you want to do but you’re trying to suppress it within yourself, I’m saying you need to give yourself that permission. Don’t be afraid to step into the spotlight.

Our interview with Simu Liu is a three-part series. Listen to the full audio interview below or check out our previous articles below and stay tuned for the final article to be released in late Spring 2019.

Featured image by@PatrickCEulalia

Hustle and Heart: The Simu Liu Story

Natasha Jung profile image Natasha Jung
Natasha is a multi-disciplinary creative, community builder, and public speaker. She has a background in marketing, broadcast television, live event production and education. In 2021, she was named a